What we accomplished and learned this week

John: I am still unable to make the player rotate in any other way than -15 degrees. I have officially moved on from this because we are probably not going to use this anyways. I was able to get the black pit to reset the character to a certain point. It doesn’t really look like a pit, but rather just a really fat black line of pixels. It slightly sticks out of the ground. The collision seems to work well.

Matthew: I was able to integrate the menu into the game and fixed double jumping. I am currently working on fixing the collision detection so I can add the side and bottom collisions. Lastly, I am trying to add background music to the game. I may work on documentation in the near future.


Ian: I was able to fix the issue in regards to the question markdown files interferring with the webpage, and was able to make it work more consistently. I added 6 more question pages to use as placeholders, and added a bit more sprites like the robot and other sprites just incase the other sprites wont work out in a good way.