Plan for Each Person

Gavin: Finish with the background and the sprite

John: Work on the mario hacks to implement into our game

Ian: Finish bridge and invert images for sprite

Matthew: Find good sprites and work on the menu. Make a plot for CodeClimbers.

Acomplishments this week

Gavin: Added the new sprite image (WIP still need to adjust speed) Added the new background with parallax effect

John: Finished rotating player hack, Committed and pushed (WIP, currently pretty broken, but somewhat functional, player only rotates -15 degrees). Attempting to work on black pit hack (WIP, ChatGPT can’t seem to generate it right or my environment isn’t interacting well with it)

Ian: Added optional sprites and cut of some of the sprites idol animation because it’ll be difficult to implement. Currently making a bridge or a platform for the player to stand on and jumo up to, possibly might be able to fix the robot_roder image.

Matthew: Made a design for the main starting page -> Made an outline the main menu and the play page. Found a Robot sprite for the game

All of these should be in different time box hacks and worked on separately. In the next coming weeks we will combine everything together to make a great game.