
Code Climbers is an inspired platform game that is made help improve coders and provide a fun experience for the player as well. These will include:

  1. HTML: HyperText Markup Language for the skeleton of a website
  2. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets is for the design of a website
  3. Python: Python is for the features of a website
  4. JavaScript: Javascript is for the properties of a website

The challenges will keep going down this list, starting from HTML to BrainFudge as a final challenge. If you continue through the game and beat it, you get nothing.


  1. W or "^": Jump Up
  2. A or "<": Move left
  3. D or ">": Move right
  4. S or "v": Go Down A Pipe


The General object of the game is to progress through the level and answer questions when you enter a pipe. Levels will progressively get more harder and more stragetic, with more mechanics along the way.