Make the file
The very first step is making the file that your blog will be in. I did this by right clicking on the “_notebooks” folder in vscode and clicking the button to create a new file. Here I named it today’s date, the blog name, and the file type (ipynb).
Set it up
Add the following code to a python cell at the top of the page:
“— layout: post title: title description: description toc: true comments: true categories: [5.A, C4.1] courses: { csse: {week: 1}, csp: {week: 1, categories: [6.B]}, csa: {week: 1} } type: devops —”
Do whatever!
After I had completed the previous steps, I can now do whatever I want. I can write anything that I need whenever I want. Things I learned:
“>” = indent
“#” = title (more #s make the title smaller)
“br” = line break