
These past two trimesters I have done a lot. I went from no experience to fully being able to code what I wish with almost no use of ChatGPT and other outside resources. I have developed skills that will help me in the future with computer science. In this blog, I will go over my accomplishments for each of these games and what I have done to further my skills in this field of computer science.

Trimester 1


This was the first project from the very first trimester. I used an existing calculator code that was given to our class my Mr. Mortensen and made some very nice additions. I changed the styling so the calculator looked much better, as well as including new buttons. These new buttons include pi, root, exponents, and much much more. This gave me a solid foundation to what coding looked like and gave me insight into the coding world.


This was the second project from the first trimester. This was a much more difficult task as this involved much more knowledge of coding and the various ways that these code pieces interacted in javascript. I had to scan throughout the code and look for things that I could customize and change to my liking. This was much more challenging but it was a very fun task. I ended up changing some colors around and it had fun finding ways to add the colors without messing uo the game.

Code Climbers!

This was the final project in which I worked in a team of 3 other people, Matthew, Ian, and John. We spent almost half of the total time messing around with javascript, making images, and planning. We spent a little too much time discovering that we hadn’t actually made anything. Everyone else had spent lots of time following tutorials to make decent games while we were trying to create a project of our very own. I ended up doing almost the entire project myself because the rest of my group was not doing very much. However, this was a blessing in disguise as this was a super useful tool in teaching me javascript and its interaction with HTML. This helped me develop the javascript skills to take on the more challenging and time consuming tasks that I would eventually see in the second trimester.

Trimester 2

Platformer 1.0

This was a project that involved a team of me and 2 other people, Zafeer and Ryan. Our task was to make a platform and a coin object and teach it to the rest of the class. After teaching it, we would have to implement all of the other things that the other teams had taught. Put simply, it was a class full of groups teaching each other about how to make different aspects in a game. I was mostly the person to work on the platform for our group. It had a couple of bugs but worked decently well for my skills and the time I had to make it (I procrastinated). I had a great lesson in which I went in depth with my processes and it was one of the first times I wasn’t nervous presenting in a room of people. All in all, I had a lot of fun with this project, even though it was stressful at times.

Platformer 2.0(WIP)

View this issue to see all that I have accomplished. This was the most fun project of computer science so far. I got assigned to the team in which we help integrate features of other teams will also coding our own additions into the game. I helped people like Zafeer and Ryan (from my previous group) in helping with their code (mostly Zafeer). This was an extremely fun project due to the challenges we faced and the way we had to work together to solve problems. As of writing this, we are not completely done, but I believe it is safe to say that this is one of the best classes in all of Del Norte.

In Conclusion

This class was extremely fun, but at the same time it was really useful

  • This class taught me how to work with a large group, something that is applied in the real world. Whether it be a 9-5 or important corporate job, working with other people is something that I will need to know how to do
  • A big lesson from this was communication. At the start, communication was very lack luster and not much connection between the groups was happening. But this is something that we have worked on together and something that applies to whatever profession all of us end up choosing. Communication is big in work, as well as personal endeavors
    This class has taught me a lot and has given me the opportunity to do something most other classes would never have. It taught me communication, how to work in a large group, and the importance of teamwork. Thank you Mr Mortensen.