PBL Ideation Weeks

Learning outcome for week. Start shared GitHub, learn how to plan.

  • Wednesday - Get together (John, Ian, Matthew, and Gavin).
    • Talk about initial ideas for game
    • Start a planning document: Plan.ipynb
    • Brain write
    • Explore assets for the game
  • Thursday. Bring together very initial ideation from team.
    • Consolidate ideas from Brain write
    • Start Issue tracking
    • Pick a drawing tool (ie Figma or Canvas)
    • Assign initial Issues
      • Plan, Description, Story Board
      • Background Coding experiments on Looping and Parallax.
      • Main Character. Coding experiments on Animation and Direction movements (wasd). Character needs to move left to right, jump and squish.
      • NPC character and obtacles. Character needs to move in small area and be squished. Like a Goomba.
  • Friday. Review initial planning ideas with Teacher
    • Meeting should follow outline in Live-Review.md